We understand the product, function, business, and user needs to become the subject matter experts (SMEs). Our experts not only find bugs but look for improvements to deliver successful products with a better user experience.
To begin with, we at Kreativ Ventures analyze both the functional and non-functional requirements to understand the scope and specs of the software product. If there is an existing QA process, we analyze it, evaluate it to find any issues, and outline an improved QA process.
There are following five major phases in every Software Testing Life Cycle Model.
After understanding the requirements, we start drafting the test cases. A test case describes the steps a Software testing engineer will perform to ensure that the software application is working as expected. These test cases will cover every scenario and function of your product, including the edge scenarios that rarely happen in the real world.
When your application build is out, it is time for our QA team to test it and find bugs hiding away from the sight of a developer. Our QA team starts running the test cases and checks if the product is working as expected or not. Any issues will be raised and documented with proper steps to reproduce them.
When the QA team finds any issues or bugs, they will record them in an issue tracking or project management system used by your organization. The process ensures that any project team member can see the issues, track their progress, and get real-time updates. If we are doing the end-to-end development of your products, we use Jira® (a product by Atlassian®) for tracking purposes.
After fixing the issue, the developer will inform the QA team member who has logged the bug to verify it. After checking the fix and that the product is functioning as expected, the concerned QA team member will close the bug in the tracking and management system, ensuring that no bugs are closed or ignored without fixing them.
After completing all the development and testing processes and fixing all the issues, the products are ready for deployment in production. After pushing to the production environment, the QA team will perform smoke testing to ensure the smooth functioning of products.